Monday, September 27, 2010

Madonna had it right: "Time goes slowly"

7 weeks.  49 days. 1176 hours.  70,560 minutes. 4233600 seconds.  Can you tell I have time to contemplate? 

For some reason, turning that into a song would not going over as well as the cast of Rent pulled off with their Seasons of Love.

Sorry I get sidetracked.  The first order of business is writing about future plans.  

Next destination: Mole National Park
Form of transportation: Mysterious OSA bus (that we have failed to find the location of in Ho)
Intended departure: Early Monday morning (September 27th)
Intended return: Unknown

The second order or business is to write about future plans for when I return home.  Craig’s list has been my recruiter for jobs when I return to the states.  I put no restrictions of the occupation: bagel baker, hotel attendant, or substitute teacher.  You name it, and I am applying to work there.  Too bad I do not have bagel baking experience.

Back to the present, and the days developed a simple routine.  As of late, I find joy in alliteration.  Thus, I can sum up my days with 3 R’s: running, reading, and rationing with children.  Running is self-explanatory (this has to work since limping, snail walk, and dragging myself to the stadium do not start with R).  Reading, again, is self-explanatory.  Rationing with children depends on the day.  On a good day, I am explaining characters, setting, and plot or praising them for listening so attentively.  On a bad day, I am either frantically counting down from 10 to regain control, singing “If you are happy and you know it take a seat,” or threatening to take away their treats.  Incidentally, the treats are the melted Starbursts that I hauled all the way from New York.  All in all, each day ends with a question my competency, and lately my sanity due to the influence of Crime and Punishment.  Guess it is time for a new book.         

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