White girl exercising+equator sun+ridiculous humidity+spectators+tame animals+wild animals=
Do you have any guesses? No, it does not equal kidnapping! This is no 20/20 special. the correct answer is Endless Entertaining Stories (EES). Here are some of the highlights.
Despite my modest dress and attempts to look like a boy when I am running, I still manage to catch the attention of some community members. Most of the time they address me with a statement about what I am doing such as, “you’re exercising,” “you’re weary,” or “need company.” Yes, I am definitely running. Yes, I think I most definitely dehydrated and ready to succumb to heat stroke. No, I would prefer not to have the company of people running alongside me with ease as I am dragging my legs in true Igor fashion. This is no exaggeration. One man biked past me during one of my panting-jello legged-I can’t go any further-breaks and insisted that I continue to “trot.” I retorted in my mind, “Sir, I would love to, but I am currently experiencing an explosion in my lungs.”
The wild animal variable refers to the peanut-sized monkey that a boy rode by with clinging to his arm. In true tourist fashion, I ooohhhed and awwed enough that he came back and allowed me to hold the itty-bitty monkey on my arm. Kat, it was almost as cute as the one in Oriella. When I returned home, I couldn’t help but think “only in Guyana.”